
Showing posts from 2016

Well MS it is then!!

I know it's been a long time since my last post but I've had a lot of stuff to process! It's been a long year 🙉.  Well it's official, I do have MS but it's not all doom and gloom peeps. Don't get me wrong, it's been no picnic either but from what I've learned about myself this year is that I'm one tough cookie! My version of MS is quite mild, if there is such a thing as mild MS, but I've got a good prognosis! As for it stopping me from doing anything, not a chance, started up Judo again. Nothing like venting your MS anger out on unsuspecting victims lol! Managing it well, probably because I've learned that it's OK to chill and have some me time, that's the thing peeps, you need to rest and look after yourself. OK, with two healthy and active munchkins it's easier said than done when your on your own but I have an awesome support network with friends and family, and believe me they are awesome!!! I started my medicati...
MS...really? Ok, where do I begin? I'm hoping by writing this, it will help other people going through what I'm going through.  This morning as I left the neurologists office I felt a sense of relief...relief is probably not the word that some would use but to me it was, I'm not a hypochondriac! ! My symptoms started about 2 years ago when I started a new career but in a job I love!! My right side from my foot to my abdomen started started burning and I lost all sense of feeling and went numb, I was that numb I burnt myself because I ran a scolding hot bath!! After going to the doctors they thought I had shingles but without the rash. This subsided after about 6 weeks and only flared up for a day or so for a few months after. I always felt tired, even after some sleep but I'm a mummy to two munchkins and a not so good sleeper of a toddler. Fast forward 18 months later and I had started a new job, not stressed just enjoying the job :-). I woke up one mild Oc...