Friday 13th or MS?
As I was pottering around the house, trying to remember what I had to do, my brain is a minefield to unravel at times, I really get the whole, 'you'd lose your head if it wasn't screwed on' saying now because in all fairness, I probably would! I suddenly remembered that I had to sort a ticket out that I'd forgotten about! After having kept the receipt in the said place for the last 2 weeks, it had disappeared! Chuntering to myself that the council had already had my payment for said parking ticket and having to pay a fine was just not on and it was one thing after another, I reluctantly paid it after having spent 2 hours looking for it!! Brain fog can be a bit of a pain in my butt at times and always happens when I really don't want it to like when you switch the kitchen tap on and forget you have and flood the kitchen, but that's another story! After calming down a bit, I realised that maybe it's not actually the MS, as...