So as quick as April arrived, May was even quicker!
I am now an Aunty to two beautiful nieces, both arrived within a week or so of each other, I watched my son who is 11, pace up and down the hospital halls like a nervous, expecting daddy. Being so close to his aunty had him wanting to be there when his long awaited cousin arrived into the world. I watched the beginnings of him turning into a young man that day and I beamed with pride! It was a day full of emotions, like my mum coming out of the delivery suite after seeing her grand daughter being born and telling us she was here. Her face and reaction is something I'll never forget, her face was filled happiness, genuine happiness, something I hadn't seen in her in a long time. People always ask if you ever love another child like you do your own children? My answer is yes, my niece is gorgeous and I now I get to be Aunty Cheryl and give her sugar highs and hand her back lol! 

I've decorated my little toilet all by myself, it may seem small but I've put rails up, laid a floor and wallpapered all by self, granted it wiped me out for a week but I did it! I've watched my daughter swim an entire length, yes a whole length and my son has got through his SATS after working so hard before hand. Another positive thing was that my son hit that magical 1.4m which meant he could finally ride the big rides at Alton Towers, but it wasn't just that, that made it a great day, it was that he got to have that milestone with me and his dad. MS can take things from you, well at first it did, when I first found out I might have MS I went through all the emotions that a diagnosis can bring, anger, sadness, fear and although I wanted to be positive about it all, I was angry and scared. Scared that I was never going to be able to live my life fully, that I wasn't going to be able to do the things I wanted in life, scared that it would affect me being a mother, a wife, me! MS has this negative stigma around it, well it did at the time so it was hard to find the positives. For a long time I felt off and tired all the time, which I put down to starting a new career, working and being a parent, I guess stress crept up on me and I didn't realise, I was just exhausted all the time and I started to lose myself. I guess this contributed to how my marriage ended and the end of family life. The positive in all of this is that after a few years, we were able to come together as a family and spend the day together, something we haven't done in a long time. The kids smiled, we got to share a milestone as mum and dad and we were able to give the munchkins a happy memory! 

You might ask what is the point of this post? My answer, when things go wrong in life, whether it be a breakup or something such as an MS diagnosis it can drag you down and make you angry and bitter if you let it. If you can't it let go and move past all the hurt, then you wont heal, you wont deal with what's in front of you, you wont be able to enjoy all the good things, to see the rainbows. I have seen alot of posts lately from people saying what's the point in life since their diagnosis, where are the positives? Well there's some of mine, a new baby, seeing my son's and mum's reactions, to achieving and finishing things and being able to spend a day as mum and dad, MS isn't the end of your life, in fact for me it helped me remember who I was and who I am now. A fighter, a mum, a sister, an aunty, a friend and most!!!!

I'm gonna leave you with another positive story, this appeared on FB, another positive message showing that you may have MS but it doesn't have you!


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