Spring time!

Hello Spring, oh how I've missed you, the sun shining and warmth hitting my skin and giving me that much needed Vitamin D! I have no idea what happened to February or March, it was like a blur! Probably because I had so many plates to balance, work, munchkins who I must say, have a better social life than myself ha-ha, Uni and not forgetting my good old friend MS that likes to remind me that I need to slow down on occasion, duly noted, point taken...not! I really could do with a long sleep mind you.

The last couple of months have their up and down moments, I've beamed with pride of how well my munchkins are doing in school, with swimming and school football matches but I've also come to the brink of wanting to chuck my course in because I couldn't get my head around subjects that I don't really know a lot about, I've flooded my kitchen, I forget I leave the tap on sometimes and my downstairs toilet, which I fixed but had to get help because my female, mini muscles couldn't finish the job, how proud was I that I didn't need a plumber?! It was short lived because it broke again so I had to get a plumber in the end, sucks I know right! I've cried in frustration, cried because of feeling overwhelmed and cried because although I've been making new memories, new traditions, not taking life for granted, just being this new and positive me, I still find myself thinking about the good parts of the life I had pre diagnosis. This year is supposed to be about closing doors and opening new ones, but it hasn't stopped me reflecting on my old life, what I did wrong, how to change and not make the same mistakes going forward. I have so many positives to take from the last few years, so many magical and happy moments but there's nothing wrong with reflecting on the past right, maybe it's just a symptom of my MS, plays with ones emotions from time to time?

I did however, catch a glimpse of my old life today, I sat and laughed like I haven't done in a while and it did leave me with a smile,  all the hurt and anger I've felt wasn't there anymore and I took is a sign that I finally have dealt with the past, with my diagnosis and I've come out smiling! I saw a quote on a Facebook page today, it asked the question.” What advice would your future self-give your present and past self?

See the source imageHonestly, be kinder to myself, know that people make mistakes, to keep moving forward, to always find that reason to smile, live in the moment, love again and to always keep fighting no matter how hard it is!

Now what advice would your future self-give to your present and past self?


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